Mike Killebrew, City Manager
City of Dana Point Organization Chart(PDF, 64KB)
The City of Dana Point encourages community involvement and is committed to:
The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City. The City Manager coordinates the implementation of the City Council policy decisions and the initiation of all intergovernmental operations of the City. The City Manager is responsible for directing the various departments and providing guidance in the implementation of the mandates of the City Council.
The City Manager also represents the City with outside governmental agencies, presents an annual budget to the City Council, coordinates a variety of public information resources for both internal and public distribution, and is also the appointed City Treasurer. In addition, the City Manager is responsible for the long-range planning for the organization and the development of recommendations to the City Council on a variety of public policy issues.
More specifically, the City Manager shall be expected to, and shall have the power to perform the following, as stated in the Dana Point Municipal Code 2.08.060:
The City Manager and his staff also handle special projects and Council assignments which do not fall within the jurisdiction of and other city department.
Please refer to the City Directory section of this web site for information on how to contact the City Manager's Office.