Minutes: The written record of prior actions presented to the Council for approval at the following meeting. Minutes are not considered official until approved by the Council.
Consent Calendar: A listing of routine business items, which are adopted with one motion, without discussion. However, any Council Member, citizen or staff member may request that an item be pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion and separate action. The item is then considered after the Consent Calendar items are voted upon.
Public Hearings: The formal process of getting opinion on major legislative matters as required by the City Code--assessment districts, rezonings, subdivisions, appeals, etc.
Public Comments: The time during which citizens may address the Council on any matter not on the agenda. Topics brought up in this way are usually referred to the appropriate staff member who may prepare a report and possibly place it on a future agenda.
Quorum: Requirement that three Council Members be present to conduct a meeting.
Motions: The least formal of actions which ordinarily requires three affirmative votes.
Resolutions: Formal written motions required by the City Code for certain legal actions.